Corporate Golden Donor FAI

Once again this year, Centrex Italia has decided to support the FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano, the Italian National Trust) by registering on its Corporate Golden Donor company membership programme. 

Through this farsighted and responsible choice, Centrex Italia will tangibly contribute to protecting Italy's historic, artistic and environmental heritage. Thanks to the support of its numerous members, both private citizens and companies, for almost 40 years the FAI has protected and managed no fewer than 49 monuments throughout Italy. Important historic, artistic and natural sites in this extraordinary country that have been saved from neglect, restored, protected and opened to the public.

Every day, the FAI undertakes to make splendid artistic, natural and cultural treasures, located in the countryside, in the cities and along the coasts of Italy, accessible to all; to educate and raise the awareness of the general public as regards the understanding, respect and protection of art and nature, and to act as a spokesperson for the interests of civil society, actively monitoring and taking action in the community.